Welcome to Till Behr Audio Productions

Sound matters. Here's why...

Music is experienced in different ways. The sound, more particularly the way the different elements of a song are mixed together, is the first impression the listener is perceiving. The goal is to catch the listeners attention during the first few seconds of listening.

Attributes of a well mixed & mastered track


  • Clarity in each element allows the listener to distinguish and appreciate the individual components of the music.


  • A professional mixdown ensures that all elements of the audio, such as vocals, instruments, and effects, are balanced properly.

Emotional Impact

  • Well-mixed and mastered tracks have a more significant emotional impact on the listener.
    Proper use of dynamics and tonal balance can evoke specific feelings and enhance the overall mood of the music.

Compatibility Across Devices

  • A well-mastered track translates well across various playback devices, ensuring consistency in the listening experience, whether it’s on headphones, speakers, or other devices, a good mix will sound great everywhere.

Let me introduce myself...

Hi, my name is Till.
I am a producer, mixing & mastering engineer from Germany. I mainly produce and mix Rock / Metal, Hip-Hop and Pop productions and play a wide range of instruments. With over 10 years of experience in audio-production and mixing, I am able to create a unique and well fitting mixdown for each track.

Check out my references here.

Contact me here:

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+49 (0) 157 86809337